Archiv der Kategorie: Sprache


There is no stable definition of what counts as a poem. Is it prosody? Rhyme? An emotional quality? A decision on the part of the writer? The reader? Is it just a superlative? What’s a prose poem? And so on. I think what makes poetry “special” in this regard is precisely the assumptions and expectations that gather around the amorphous term. And part of this has to do with how “poetry” can name, independent of actual poems, a kind of limit case of language—the desire to do something with words that we can’t actually do. 

Ben Lerner


In our view, all the psychiatric and psychological handbooks for the definition of different pathologies could be encapsulated in one simple definition: „person blocked or trapped in her own construction of reality.“ As Goethe wrote, „Things are actually much simpler than one might think, but much more complicated than one might realize.“

Giorgio Nardone und Paul Watzlawick


Dieser Tage ist mir ein Theoretiker über den Weg gelaufen, den ich lange vergessen hatte: Cornelius Castoriadis. Er lieferte Beiträge zu vielen Themen, am interessantesten sind seine sozialisierende Fassung des psychoanalytischen Imaginären und seine Überlegungen zu einer grundsätzlich nicht abgeschlossenen Ontologie, wofür er den Begriff des „Magma“ prägt. Hier gibt es einen kurzen Überblick.