Archiv der Kategorie: Energie

Grüne Revolution

Neulich hatte ich es schon vom Weizen und Ägypten. Hier ein Artikel über Weizenanbau in Indien und Mexiko vor dem historischen Hintergrund der „Grünen Revolution“.

There may be a mountain of food available, but access to food is only based on the entitlements that people have, to be able to exchange for food. This is one of the reasons, among others, that explains the bitter irony that Indians have remained food insecure despite all this bumper wheat production. Malnutrition levels in 2005 continued to remain horrific – three out of five children under five, or nearly 60%, were found to be chronically malnourished (two standard deviations below normal) by the National Family Health Survey.



Ein Artikel über das harte Leben von Ameisen in einem polnischen Atombunker.

The wood-ant ‘colony’ described here – although superficially looking like a functioning colony with workers teeming on the surface of the mound – is rather an example of survival of a large amount of workers trapped within a hostile environment in total darkness, with constantly low temperatures and no ample supply of food. The continued survival of the ‘colony’ through the years is dependent on new workers falling in through the ventilation pipe. The supplement of workers more than compensates for the mortality rate of workers such that through the years the bunker workforce has grown to the level of big, mature natural colonies.

Nachtrag: Bei Heuschrecken wäre es anders gelaufen.

Noch ein Nachtrag: Wenn Sie nicht in Löcher fallen, züchten sie zweifarbige Blattlaus-Kolonien.